End of Life

How to Grieve the Loss of a Parent or Help Someone Who is Grieving

Struggling with the loss of a parent or know somebody who is? Our guide on how to grieve the loss of a parent is here to help you navigate the road ahead...
Nathaniel Felder
3-5 minutes

Losing a parent is an emotionally harrowing experience. Whether you're dealing with it yourself or assisting someone in their grief, the complexity of emotions that come along with this kind of loss can seem insurmountable and overwhelming at times.

The mourning experience is unique to everyone, and there's no one size fits all approach. Still, some techniques can assist you or others during this tumultuous period of mourning.

In this blog post we'll look at how to grieve a parent’s loss as well as how best to support someone else who is going through their own loss. We'll explore why it is so tough to cope with the death of a parent, understand the process of the grief timeline, and offer useful advice on how to grieve the loss of a parent.

Additionally, we'll share some ideas for using Forevory's online memorial service and other creative ways to memorialize your loved one. Let's dive in and explore this important topic together.

Why Grieving the Loss of a Parent is so Tough

Experiencing the loss of a parent is one of life's most significant tragedies. Our parents are our primary source for providing us with love, security, and guidance throughout our lives; their role in nurturing who we are cannot be understated. 

And when that bond suddenly disappears due to death, grieving the loss of a parent can feel like an eternal void exists within us. Knowing how to properly process this grief can prove disorienting at times - but ultimately understanding what it means to grieve will help lead you toward healing from such an immense wound.

Everyone handles grief in different ways, yet the loss of a parent may be particularly taxing due to several factors. Your relationship with your mother or father is usually deep-rooted and irreplaceable, causing you to feel as though part of yourself has vanished when they are gone. Grieving can be an agonizing process that takes time and patience.

Furthermore, the passing of a parent can stir up an array of intricate emotions that are tough to process. You may feel despondent, irate, remorseful, or regretful - all as a result of unresolved issues with your parent which now you won't be able to confront. It's hard to acknowledge and manage these feelings in order to come out better on the other side.

The passing of a parent can act as an awakening, highlighting our own mortality and vulnerabilities. It serves to illustrate the unbending truth that life is fickle and fragile and that our bodies will all face death.

How Long Does it Take to Grieve the Loss of a Parent?

So how long does it take to grieve the loss of a parent? There is no set timeline for the grieving process, and everyone's experience of grief is different. Grieving the loss of a parent is a unique and personal journey that can take anywhere from several months to several years.

Grief can be a devastating, overwhelming emotion that may seem to never end. But eventually, the intensity of this pain will lessen and people find ways to manage their loss. How long it takes for grief to subside varies from person-to-person depending on individual characteristics such as personality type, coping mechanisms, and the strength of the relationship with their parent,

There is no predetermined or "correct" way to grieve and everyone's experience with loss is unique. Some may endure intense sorrow for a prolonged period, while others can conclude their mourning process more rapidly. It's essential that you offer yourself or someone else the space needed to go through grief in their own time and manner.

How to Grieve the Loss of a Parent (Or Help Someone Grieve the Loss of Their Parent)

Grieving the loss of a parent is a deeply personal journey, and everyone's experience is unique. Below are tips on how to help someone grieve the loss of a parent as well as for your own grieving. These tips are meant to serve as a starting point on how to grieve the loss of a parent and should be adapted to meet individual needs and circumstances.

Take Care of Yourself

To nurture your mental and physical health, make sure to incorporate healthy eating habits, ample sleep, and exercise into your routine. Moreover, you should always grant yourself the freedom to acknowledge all of your emotions and practice self-care when needed.

Attend a Memorial Service

Paying tribute to someone you miss can create a powerful sense of community as those who share in your sorrow come together. It may also help provide closure and support during the healing process. 

If there is no memorial service scheduled, why not help the family plan one? Doing so brings an added layer of solace for all involved. And if you're wondering what to bring to a memorial service, we have a guide on the subject.

Write a Eulogy

Honoring and commemorating the life of a beloved person through eulogy is one of the most potent expressions of love. By sharing stories, memories, and anecdotes about them, we not only pay homage to their legacy but also provide closure for those who are still grieving. 

So how long should a eulogy be? Typically it should be around 3-5 minutes long but can vary depending on the individual and their relationship with the deceased.

Consider Urn Display Ideas

If you have chosen cremation for your loved one, why not honor them with a unique display of their urn? Consider displaying it in a beautiful outdoor garden or prominently on the family bookshelf. Get creative and incorporate it into artwork to further commemorate their memory.

Explore Creative Ways to Memorialize Someone

Paying tribute to a cherished one doesn't have to be somber; you can honor them in more creative ways, like crafting a memorial quilt or box, beginning an educational fund with their name on it, or even planting a tree as if they too are blooming just like the spring season.

Consider Ideas for Ashes From Cremation

There are many unique ways to honor a loved one's ashes, such as incorporating them into jewelry, scattering them in a meaningful location, or even turning them into a mural or painting. Cremation jewelry is becoming increasingly popular and can serve as a beautiful symbol of the deceased's memory.

Celebrate Their Life With Photos, Stories, and Other Memorializations

Celebrate your beloved's life and commemorate their legacy by planning a memorial gathering or creating an album with photographs and stories that reflect on the moments they shared. You may also consider making a donation to a charity near them, as it will be an act of remembrance for such an amazing person in your life.

Honor Your Own Grieving Process

Grief is a personal process, and there isn't one strategy that applies to everyone. Respect your own journey by allowing yourself to experience all of the feelings associated with it; don't feel ashamed or embarrassed when seeking additional assistance like therapy or support groups if needed.

Use Forerory’s Online Memorial Service

In this digital age, an online memorial site can be a meaningful way to remember a loved one and bring people together to grieve, regardless of location. Apart from our guides on things like virtual memorial service ideas, and Zoom funeral etiquette, Forevory's online memorial service makes it easy to share memories, photos, and messages with others. 

Here's what's included:

  • Online Memorial Family Tree: Create a virtual family tree to connect with loved ones around the world and share memories and stories of your loved one.
  • Online Memorial Guest Book: Allow family and friends to leave condolences, share memories, and express their support in a digital version of a traditional paper guest book.
  • Online Memorial Videos & Photos: Share and view photos and videos of your loved one, including family photos, special moments, and video tributes. Keep memories alive and share them with others.
  • Online Memorial Stories: Celebrate your loved one's life by sharing stories and memories. Encourage family and friends to write about their experiences, anecdotes, and special moments shared together.
  • Online Memorial Voice Notes: Record and share voice messages to express condolences or share a memory. Hear the voices of family and friends and connect with them during this difficult time.

With Forevory, learning how to create a memorial page has never been easier.

Advice for Helping Someone Grieve

To provide comfort to those who have recently experienced parental loss, your presence and willingness to listen are paramount. Practical support such as preparing a meal or running errands can also be of great help. Furthermore, sometimes simply sitting with them in solidarity is more than enough - it shows that you care and wish for them to feel safe during this difficult time.

Resist the temptation of attempting to "fix" their grief with platitudes, as it may unintentionally minimize how they feel. 

Grieving is emotionally and physically exhausting, so consider providing practical help such as grocery shopping or child care during this trying period. Small acts of kindness can make a world of difference, conveying your unconditional love and empathy in ways that words cannot express.

Encourage them to seek professional help if necessary, and assist in locating useful resources like grief counseling or support groups. Bear in mind that each person's mourning process is unique, so you should honor their individual journey.

Final Thoughts on How to Grieve the Loss of a Parent

Grieving the loss of a parent is a difficult and emotional process, but it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique. This post is meant to provide a starting point for how to help someone grieve the loss of a parent and for those experiencing their own grief.

Remember to take care of yourself, seek support, and honor your loved one in your own way.

One way to honor your loved one is by setting up an online memorial using the best memorial website available. Forevory offers a unique, meaningful way to honor your cherished one by creating an online memorial page. Here, family and friends can come together in remembrance of the life lived; sharing stories, memories, and photos with others who share the same love for them.

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